Downloads Section
XNA Runtime 3.0 - Required to play our game

GAME - WIP version
(coming very soon)

.X Files Model Viewers
Using Animation Component Library you will have to deal with DirectX model files.
Maybe you want to check them before putting in xna...
Sometimes the error isn't in your code ;)

Z3D - Very simple, but you can use some ready custom effects in real-time.
Click on the right side choosing sample model and desidered effect.

XFileLoadingExe - Open Source Project very useful to understand .X hierarchy.
Support for multiple animations !

All credit goes to their original authors.
Obviously you can also use the "old" DXViewer.exe by Microsoft, but XNA doesn't require DX SDK installation (and by default it doesn't support multiple animations), so you may find this list useful..

Playing videos in XNA 3

Ready-to-compile project for Visual Studio 2008 & XNA 3

Included with the project there is our game's intro
made in Blender by KanuMass

Here you can find the original work
(main coding credits goes there)